Soybean oil

Soybean oil has a bright yellow color. Soybean oil can be used in food only in a refined form, which is obtained as a result of pressing and extraction. After the oil has undergone refining and deodorization, it acquires transparency and has a delicate pink hue.


Its main field of application: preparation of sauces and dressings for various salads. It serves as the basis for the production of margarine, mayonnaise, bread and pastries. Soybean oil is used for preservation and freezing of products.


Soybean oil is a source of lecithin, which is used in pharmacy. On its basis, soaps and detergents are made, as well as dyes, which do not have a negative effect if released into nature. The composition of soybean oil includes: fats, vitamins E, B4 and K, iron, zinc and other useful substances.

Physico-chemical parameters
